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Setting a password

As account registration is done with Discord, you will not be able to generate a password at first. For most people, this is not needed, but if you would like to manage your server files through SFTP, a password is required.

How to set a password

Luckily, you can set a password easily with the steps shown below.

  1. Logout from the panel
  2. Instead of logging in with Discord, press Forgot password? at the bottom of the log-in screen.
  3. Fill in your e-mail address that you registered on Discord with.
  4. You will receive an e-mail within 5 minutes to reset your password.
  5. Click on the button in the e-mail and set a password in the panel.


If you have not received the e-mail, check your spam folder or generate a new Password Reset request after 10 minutes. Even after further tries no e-mail has been received then open a ticket in our Discord channel.

When you are done setting a password, it wouldn't hurt to also enable Two-step Verification to secure your account. This ensures your account is at the safest possible level.