Creating Schedules
Schedules are a unique and powerful capability within Pterodactyl. They enable you to seamlessly automate various tasks, such as executing commands, managing shutdowns or restarts, and much more. This functionality is achieved through the utilization of cron jobs, allowing you to precisely time and control these actions.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up schedules in to enhance your user experience:
- Navigate to the FPS panel at
- Choose your server and navigate to the Schedules tab.
- Click the Create schedule button.
- Assign a name to your schedule.
- To simplify schedule timing, consider using CronTab Guru.
- Create the schedule.
- Once the schedule is created, select it.
- To add a new task, click the New Task button.
- Now, choose your command or power action.
- Press Create task and enjoy!
Your schedules tab should look a bit like this