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Editing code

This can be done through the Files tab in the panel. If you want nicer way of editing code / copy and pasting you can use SFTP.

SFTP Client

Use an SFTP client to open your files in your preffered editor.

Visual Studio Code

  1. Download the SFTP Extension for Visual Studio
  2. In VS Code, open a local directory you wish to sync to the remote server (or create an empty directory that you wish to first download the contents of a remote server folder in order to edit locally).
  3. Ctrl+Shift+P or F1 on Windows/Linux or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac open command palette, run SFTP: config command.
  4. A basic configuration file will appear named sftp.json under the .vscode directory, open and edit the configuration parameters with your remote server information.
  5. Edit the file with the values from, these values van be found in the Settings tab of your server. There is a card called SFTP Details with all the information you need except the password. To create a password logout of your account and do forgot password or click here for detailed instructions. See code below for an expanded config file with added keys to make it easier for you:

        "name": "My Server",
        "host": "mango/papaya/pineapple/guava/",
        "protocol": "sftp",
        "port": 2022,
        "username": "SFTP_USERNAME",
        "remotePath": "/",
        "uploadOnSave": true,
        "useTempFile": false,
        "openSsh": false,
        "ignore": [".vscode", ".git", ".DS_Store", ".cache", ".local", "?"]

Optionally: Add the password key to the json with the value of your password. Note that this stores your password in plaintext and if syncing is enabled may be synced to the remote server if you don't have the ignore .vscode in your sftp.json. Other subusers can then see it!

Optionally: If you already have files on your server, open the command palette like step 3. but then run SFTP: Sync Both Directions. This will make sure your local folder is in sync with the server.

Optionally: disable uploadOnSave in the sftp.json file. This will then not automatically sync your files to the server if you save them.

If you have further questions please refer to the documentation of the extension.